Here you will find little snippets of my life and how I try and grow food, feed my family healthy foods, sew, crochet, craft, knit , art and craft, preserve food and discover how to leave less of an environmental impact. You will see some homeschooling ideas and ways of making a comfortable and fun, albeit simple, home for my family.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
and they sparkled...ppf
.My sister asked my mum last week if she had a nice memory of when she was little. My mum didn't have her dad in her life but she used to visit his mum...her grandma...she had a house and in the backyard her grandma had a sand mum would visit her grandma and go and play in the sandpit ...mostly building sandcastles ...this one particular day mum was feeling a little bit dissatisfied with her she popped off into her grandmas house and went straight to her jewelry drawer..and as luck would have it there was a wonderful pile of pretty coloured beads..of which mum grabbed a handful of...she raced out to her castle and began placing the beads around her castle to decorate it...i have never heard this story about mum and feel so blessed to have heard this little snapshot of her mum had a pretty tough childhood so for me, and now all ny sisters this story is a wonderful image to have...My mummy has alzheimers..she has had it for 6 years...she us now currently going through tests to find out what else is wrong with her...after receiving a not so good bloodtest result...we are all hoping everything will be ok...
here is my piece for my sister for christmas...we do a secret santa for the adults and i pulled her name out of the hat...I know she won't see this, but just in case i can't show you the present i bought's gorgeous....and this little art will go with it...
it says on it..
and they sparkled like a rainbow of diamonds...i love arting, yes, it's childlike, but you know what, i think this is my last...i can't seem to do anything else....i got so much joy from doing this piece for my sister...
Until next time
lots of it
Friday, December 2, 2011
I am linking this to ppf..I know it's sorta cheating but I consider this as when I sorta started getting arty again and wanted to share it with you all...thanks again for all your lovely encouraging words...i love them...
until next time
lots of it
Friday, November 25, 2011
PPF...and a partridge in a pear tree...
Can you see the little partridge??? she is's my version of a partridge...i had plans of doing each of the 12 days of christmas but seriously, i was going to do that with the mama painting too...then reality kicked in...time my friends...can anyone suggest how i can get some more???
Okies, well until next time
lots of it
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
sculptures by the sea...bondi beach
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween
I said i wouldn't do are the kids dressed and ready to go trick or treating..we did it a couple of years ago and there was hardly anyone out doing it too. Well,this year there was alot..
The kids had a ball..we were only out for around an hour all up...
But the got some loot , and i really had a great time talking to the neighbours. All in all it was a lovely community spirit sort of night.
Having said that this morning was quite eventful in a baffled way...poor Connor woke up this morning having great difficulty breathing...and BAM...he had a pretty bad croup out of the blue we were off to the drs. For both he and Connor only walked for half of that time tonight.
Here are a few photos...i have discovered they turn out crappy from my phone..but hey..i'll fix it up later...
Until next time
Lots of it
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Hello friend
So...last Tuesday an old friend text me. We haven't been in touch in years . It was such a wonderful surprise . I really missed her. She introduced me to scrapbooking and was always there for me. So..she had a look at my blog and loved maddies butterfly scrap page here are 2 i did for her very cute little girls...
Ok..this is the first time from my phone ..i will cross my fingers and hope it
Until next time
Lots of it
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
A Mamas Love #1 is finished!
Here is an update, I thought I'd enter it in PAINT PARTY FRIDAY...there are so many gorgeous links to look at...why not enter as well and have a bit of fun...
I am quite happy with it, I love the texture and the multitude of layering of paper and then paint. My clothes line has much bigger sized clothes on it now, and yes I still have cricket bats and tennis balls and lots of other toys scattered around my yard....and yes..I really know I am not as skinny as my wish!!!ha ha ha...but this is what I do...with 6 kids you can imagine my washing...and I HATE DOING WASHING!!! but I do it because I love my family, along with so many other things we do out of love for our family. That is why I am going to do a series of everyday things we do out of love..those unsung things we do all the that is why this is called A MAMAS LOVE #1...
Here it is!!!
Monday, October 3, 2011
A Mama's Love #1
There are so many layers on this, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't! I wanted to paint an everyday scene of my life as I see it as a mum...I think I am going to paint a series of these things, and call them a mama's love #...this one is number 1. It;s been fun so far, my hubbty says it's not one of his favs, oh well....
That yellow thing on the line is Maddie's miracle blanket...we call it that because it was with her through the time she was on life support,,,it has little stars on it and her name embroidered on it sister gave the twins one each when they were on life support,Jjacob's is white with little clouds...they love them... are some shots of... a mama's love #1..
I was so into cows at one stage, this is what I took down from my wall in the laundry...
until next time
lots of it
(love I mean)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Quality Time in the Holidays
They said to use magazine cut outs to create a city scene...I used my multitude of scrapbook paper scraps...Maddie and I began this today and it proved to be a tricky task for her to cut out perfectly, so we went for is still not finished, but for now it is, until Jacob gets better...
Daniele, I told you I love little was planned before I saw your beautiful artwork...hee hee hee...mine is not so much arty as crafty I know, but all family members are thinking it's quite cute...we still are to do a little road with a car and bus on it, that goes across the front, thus the white space still there.
It's wonderful having kids that are into arts and craftiness...hopefully by next week Jacob will be a bit better and this rainy weather has improved and we'll get to do something a tad more exciting for the kids...
until next time
lots of it
Monday, September 26, 2011
Life on the edge
But, first day of the school holidays, and he has woken up unwell. With the kind of cough that says, uh oh,,,be ready with his meds...and I am. It is going to be a tough few days coming up, and I really don't like living on the edge. It makes me feel sick!
On another note, here is something that I very quickly made in about 10 minutes. I have bought this new ladder type shelving unit for our front room once it's finished, and I have put it in the entry. It will have all neutral shades on it. Here is what it looks like now, and here are some simple photos to show how I made the brown paper covered books. I love them, for now anyway!!!lol...
Ok...well that's it from me...gotta go and get busy...
until next time
lots of it
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
what makes you smile
Challenge For This Weeks Food for the Family
It’s been a while I know. Life happens, keeps us busy, and you even forget you have a blog let alone write in it. So here it is...a CHAL...
Hi there to you all.....this is my first year of participating in this wonderful event, and sadly this is the last year Lisa is doing this ...
well...we have all been waiting a long time for this event...the summer of colour is one of the events that started me on this arting jou...
Last week I decided that a big goal for this year was to give away more of my attempts of getting my art on....i am in the process of making...